Hippie girl Namaste mother fucker vintage shirt

Hippie girl Namaste mother fucker vintage shirt

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In June, 1967, Abbie Hoffman, the antic gadfly of the Vietnam years, wed his second wife, Anita, in a hippie happening on Central Park’s Great Lawn. That August, he rained dollar bills onto perplexed—and then madly grasping—traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Two months later, he participated in a wishful attempt to levitate the Pentagon, and the following year, with Jerry Rubin, he led the prankish Youth International Party (the Yippies) toward the bloody fray outside the Democratic National Convention. At the subsequent trial of the Chicago Seven, he was convicted of crossing state lines to incite a riot. Hoffman was still appealing the verdict in 1971, when he and Anita became the parents of a son. Jonah Raskin quotes the new father in “For the Hell of It” (1996), his biography of Hoffman: “We decided to call our kid america because we believe that when the state finally fades, nations will be named after people and people will be nations.”

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